Privacy Policy

Hoe gaan we om met Privacy?
Privacy and security is a great asset for MailReport. We will never provide the data that we collect to third parties from within ourselves. We do not fall under US law and are therefore not obliged to provide data to any body whatsoever. We can only be obliged to do this through a Dutch or European judicial decision.

Our Privacy Policy
The privacy policy describes the policies and procedures of MailReport regarding the collection, use and visibility of your information on (your personal dashboard), services, options, content or applications that are offered to you integrally by services provided by MailReport. MailReport receives information from you for the services that we provide to you in general. If you use our services you agree that the collection, transport, manipulation, storage, visibility and other use of your information will be in accordance with the privacy policy.

Whitch information will be collected?

User-added data
MailReport collects information added by users such as the aggregated DMARC report with the addition of information associated with the session such as IP address, date and time. All data that is added anonymously (without anyone being logged into the service) is stored indefinitely. This even after you have stopped using the service. All data that is added anonymously without being logged into the service is saved until the domain account is deleted. All this data will be deleted when the domain account is deleted.

IP addresses and other information that is collected automatically
MailReport can automatically save data that is transmitted when you use the service through your browser. This information may consist of your IP address and cookie information. This information can be used by MailReport to gain insight into how users use the MailReport services, to detect spam and malware, to facilitate the collection of data regarding your interaction with the MailReport services and other similar purposes.

Generally speaking, the services collect automated usage information, such as the number and frequency of visitors to the services. MailReport can use this in aggregated form for statistical purposes, but not for the purpose of personally identifying you. With this type of aggregated data, MailReport helps to gain insight into how often a certain part of the service is used so that it can be investigated and improved.

Email communication
MailReport collects email addresses and email communication from users to support the services. MailReport does not provide these addresses to third parties and does not send email to users outside of the application of the services.

How is the information collected being used?

Personal web-based dashboard
Information collected by MailReport is used to provide insight into your mail traffic through your personal dashboard. This personal dashboard is made available through secure URLs and can only be shared by the main user with other users by adding these users to this dashboard. MailReport does not share access to personal dashboards with third parties.

Personal MailReports
Information collected by MailReport is used to create reports. These can be sent to users via e-mail. MailReport does not provide these reports to third parties. Via your personal dashboard you can add mail addresses to the mailing list of the personal reports. The mail recipients of the reports can forward these to others.

Measurement data and analyses
MailReport can use site statistics (such as mouse clicks, navigation and web server logs) to improve its services.

Email correspondence
All email communication to MailReport services is not shared with parties outside of MailReport. Email addresses are not collected, sold or otherwise made available to third parties. MailReport uses the email addresses for direct correspondence with its users and for purposes that are important for delivering the services, such as password recovery, reports and alarms.

How can the information collected be shared?

Personal web-based dashboard
The personal dashboard is made available via secure URLs and can only be shared by the main user with other users by adding these users to this dashboard. MailReport does not share access to personal dashboards with third parties.

Personal MailReports
The personal reports can be sent to users via e-mail. MailReport does not provide these reports to third parties. Via your personal dashboard you can add mail addresses to the mailing list of the personal reports. Mail recipients of the reports can forward these to others.

External links
The MailReport website contains links to other websites. MailReport is not responsible for the content or actions of other websites.

Legislation follow-up
MailReport adheres to Dutch and European legislation on privacy and email communication. MailReport will update this privacy policy if it is necessary to keep it in line with legislation.

Changes to the privacy policy
MailReport reserves the right to change the content of the privacy policy. MailReport will publish this change on its website. MailReport will also communicate this to relevant parties such as dealers and partners. Users who do not agree with the privacy policy can stop using our services. If one continues to use the services of MailReport after the changes have been published, the user accepts the policy.

Abbreviation of Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance. It's a technical specification to prevent phishing on domainlevel. The standard was designed by a group of major technology companies including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Paypal and Bank of America.


Authentication is the process where a user, computer or application will be validated against stored credentials.

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Abbreviation of Sender Policy Frame. SPF is intended to prevent unwanted email sending on behalf of your domain name. In a DNS record, you indicate to the recipient which servers (IP addresses) may send emails on your behalf. SPF is one of the authentication mechanisms of DMARC.

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Abbreviation of DomainKeys Identified Mail.DKIM provides a basis for authentication. DKIM adds the 'DKIM-Signature' field to the header of an email message. This field contains a digital signature of the content of the email message (based on both headers and body of email). The receiving SMTP server checks the DKIM Signature with the public key that can be retrieved via DNS. If the check succeeds, it means that the email message actually originates from the respective domain and is not modified during transport. DKIM is one of the authentication mechanisms of DMARC.

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Abbreviation of Domain Name System. DNS is the system and network protocol used on the Internet to translate names of computers into numeric addresses (IP addresses) and vice versa.

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Phishing is the collective name for all digital activities that criminals try to exploit personal information. This information may cause fraud with internet banking, debit cards, credit cards or your identity.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Spam folder

The folder that stores email messages that are marked as spam by the spam filter.

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Use or explain list

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is the defacto standard for sending email messages over the Internet. SMTP is a relatively simple text based protocol: First, the sender of the email message is specified, then one or more recipients and then the shipping information and content of the email message.

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Abbreviation of Transport Layer Security. TLS is a protocol that provides communication security between client / server or server / server connection. It guarantees the privacy, integrity and security of data sent between servers.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


A fingerprint is a short sequence of bytes that is used to identify the longer public key.

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Is a combination words of DNS and Secure. DNSSEC is an extension to DNS. DNSSEC addresses some vulnerabilities in DNS, making the 'signposting' of the Internet more safer and trusted.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities. DANE is extension of DNSSEC. This allows keys and certificates for secure connections to websites or mail servers to be included in the DNS system.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.



Abbreviation of Certificate Authority. Official authority authorized to issue and endorse certificates. At the CA, you can check that the certificate is valid and provided by them.

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The certificate provides for the decryption of the connection and for validating the identity of a website. The certificate includes information about:

  • The certificate holder;
  • Hostname and domain;
  • The name of the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the certificate;
  • The root certificate;
  • The country in which the certificate was issued;
  • The validity period;
  • A certificate always consists of a public key and a private key.

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The process to make encrypted data readable using the private key.

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The process to encrypt data based on a specific algorithm (normally the public key).

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Within the Cryptography encryption is the process to encrypt data (code) and decryption the process to make encrypted data readable (decode). This based on a specific algorithm.

One of the purposes of cryptography is that data can be safely exchanged between two persons / servers over an unsafe communication channel. With an unsafe communication channel third parties can also access the channel, for example the internet. The encryption ensures that these third parties cannot read the data. This is usually done through the use of keys. What exactly the key is differs by algorithm, but usually a key is a very large number of decimal places. The purpose of the cryptographic algorithm is then to ensure that only the persons with the correct key can decipher the encrypted data again.

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Public key

The sender uses the public key that the recipient has provided him to encode email messages to the recipient.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Private key

With the private key the recipient can decrypt encrypted email messages encrypted with his public key.

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A standard for encrypting individual email messages this standard is supported by Microsoft.

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Abbreviation of Pretty Good Privacy. A standard for encrypting individual email messages.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Aanmelden Home User

Meld u aan in 3 stappen

Stap 1: Geef e-mail adres op
Het emailadres wordt uw loginnaam. Het emailadres bestaat uit de postvaknaam (voor het @) en de domeinnaam).

Stap 2: Vul ontvangen verificatie code in
Dit ter controle van uw emailadres.

Stap 3: Maak DMARC record aan
Zodat de DMARC rapporten naar onze dienst worden gestuurd.

Aanmelden Home User

Stap 1 van 3


Aanmelden Home User

Stap 2 van 3

Code: 200909


Bedankt voor uw reactie.

U heeft de onderstaande gegevens naar ons verstuurd:

Email: @
Code: 200909
onderwerp: Verificatiecode