

About MailReport

Get in control of your email, give fraudsters no change!

What is MailReport?

MailReport is an online platform (SaaS) that helps you to get and to keep the mechanisms up to date in order to prevent that anyone can send unauthorised emails on behalf of your organisation. This allows you to protect yourself of reputation damage caused by a phishing attack. As an organisation, you don’t want to publish notices about emails allegedly sent on behalf of your company. MailReport makes your email visible and helps you to prevent phishing attacks on your domains.

MailReport processes the reports from the DMARC standard and presents it in an easy to customise dashboard. This will give you a clear view of the legitimate and illegitimate email messages that were sent on behalf of your organization. MailReport gives you insight into any configuration errors of the mail server(s) and authentication mechanisms. MailReport helps you to get and control the required configuration. In addition, MailReport alerts if one of your e-mail servers appears on one of the many blacklists and keeps track of all the DNS changes that are important for your email delivery.

MailReport provides the support you need on a daily basis and makes phishing attacks visible.

How do we do it?

We do this by using the DMARC standard and the authentication methods SPF and DKIM.

DMARC is a standard that is supported by all major technology companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook and LinkedIn. The community of companies that are using the DMARC standard to prevent phishing grows every day.

As a sender, you can publish a policy with DNS. DMARC allows the following policy settings:

  • none = do nothing;
  • quarantine = to spambox;
  • reject = refuse/drop message.

If the recipient receives an email message on behalf of your organization, he will authenticate it with SPF and DKIM. If the email message is not authenticated, the recipient will apply the policy you published for this email. The recipient will tell you how he handled the email messages that he received as your organization via a standard aggregated report.The recipient can also send a failure report besides the standard report, If the policy quarantine or reject is applied. If the recipient sends you a failure report, he will send it immediately to the email address you assigned. The reports are technical in nature and only readable for a specialist. Our online platform MailReport makes these reports clear and understandable for you.

On a regular basis we also scan your DNS records that directly affect your email configuration. If any changes are detected we then we capture it, store it and send you an alert when this option is set. This will build up history for you of all email related records. Advantages for you are:

  • automated configuration management and backup of your email related DNS records;
  • a link between adjustments on DNS level and the results of the DMARC reports can be made;
  • automated alerts on incoming failure reports, DNS changes and blacklist registrations.

What you get?

MailReport combined with DMARC provides you with the following benefits. MailReport and DMARC:

  • removes exact domain phishing;
  • increases the conversion of mail campaigns. It improves the reputation of your domain so that more email messages arrive and do not disappear in the spambox of your recipients;
  • gives you insight into the legitimate and illegitimate email on your domains;
  • makes configuration errors visible of your email infrastructure;
  • gives you insight into your email sending infrastructure including those of vendors who send email messages on behalf of you;
  • increases your digital image and security reputation. The reputation is visible as being a reporter (check incoming email messages on policy) and published policy through DNS;
  • detects and alerts for phishing attacks (email notification failure reports) , DNS changes and blacklist registrations of your email servers;
  • helps you to be compliant with the latest security standards (in some countries like the Netherlands these standards are compulsory for government related organisations to apply);
  • prevents you from liability claims (Personal Data Act and Reporting Obligation Data leaks).

What makes us unique?

MailReport provides you a unique insight into your email. You have the flexibility to customise the interface by:

  • sorting one or more columns;
  • reveal and hide any column;
  • determine the order of columns by drag and drop;
  • specifying your own filter in addition to the default filter;
  • recording personal user preferences through your user profile;
  • setting the portal in your preferred language. MailReport now supports English, Dutch, German, French and Polish language.

  • In addition, MailReport offers:
    • extensive export opportunities;
    • comprehensive alert options;
    • DNS configuration management.

What about security and privacy?

We take the security of our platform very seriously and we spend a lot of time and care to it. Our online platform is secured at the highest level. For example, the encryption of our site complies with two renowned tests (SSLLABS and Calomel) according to the latest guidelines. In addition, the certificates of our site can not only be verified through the Certificate Authority, but also via DNSSEC according to the new DANE standard.

In the area of privacy, our motto is: your data is your data. We want to make it clear that we:

  • never look in your data without your permission;
  • will not provide your data to third parties without a Dutch court order;
  • are a Dutch company and thus not subject to US law (Patriot Act);
  • our SaaS portal is located within an ISO27001 certified datacentre.


What's DMARC and how does it work?

What does DMARC stand for and how did it originate?

DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance. It is a technical specification to prevent email phishing at domain level. The standard was devised by a group of major technology companies including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Paypal and Bank of America.

DMARC has been nominated as an open standard with the IETF under RFC-7489 and is about to be included in the 'apply or explain list' for the Dutch government.

What’s the goal of DMARC?
The goal of DMARC is to:

  • stop phishing emails from spammers and scammers;
  • to allow domain owners to enforce who is eligible to send email on behalf of them;
  • have domain owners receive reports of all emails and phishing attempts from the domain on which DMARC is set up for.

What DMARC doesn't do?
DMARC does not prevent display name attacks. The sending party specifies a display name that resembles the sender's name while the underlying address is false. DMARC checks the authenticity of the email domain by utilizing DKIM and SPF and not the display name.

For who is DMARC interesting?
For every organization. Every organization is sensitive to being compromised by phishing emails. The problem of malicious phishing emails is no longer limited to financial institutions, but also webshops, parcel services and government agencies are experiencing problems with email phishing attacks.

If you run email campaigns, DMARC ensures that your email reputation will be increased. This means that less of your email messages disappear into your recipient’s spam folder.

What are the characteristics of DMARC?
  • Authentication
    DMARC combines SPF and DKIM and elevates it as an authentication mechanism. A consistent implementation of SPF and DKIM is required;
  • Visibility
    The feedback mechanism gives the sender insight into how its email is handled by the recipients;
  • Protection
    The sender publishes a policy how to handle email if it cannot be authenticated via SPF and/or DKIM. This policy is published in a DNS record.

What technologies does DMARC use?
DMARC uses a combination of the following technologies/components:

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework): SPF validates the IP address of the sender;
  • DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail): DKIM adds a digital signature to the email;
  • DNS (Domain Name Services): The recipient can use DNS to lookup published SPF, DKIM and DMARC records;
  • Email: The recipient sends back an email that contains aggregated (error) reports.

How DMARC works?

DMARC allows the sender to set a policy that tells the recipient how to handle incoming emails send as the sender’s domain when authentication of SPF and/or DKIM fails. The sender can publish this policy for the recipient by setting a DMARC record in DNS.

The following policy settings can be specified:

  • none (do nothing);
  • quarantine (flag as spam);
  • reject (delete).

If the sender’s policy prescribes a report, the recipient reports back to the sender by sending an aggregated report regarding every received email. If DKIM and SPF fail and the sender has published a quarantine or reject policy, the recipient may immediately return an error (failure) report separate from the aggregated report. This failure report isn’t always being sent as this is a setting chosen by the recipient.

The sender must include separate email addresses in the DMARC DNS record for the aggregate report and the failure report.

The image below provides insight into the process of sending and receiving email utilizing the DMARC mechanism.

Made by mailmeport.eu

Our Platform

MailReport helps you to get insights and control of your companie's email. We don't have a volume based pricemodel. No suprises, just fixed low prices and no long term contracts.

Start a trial of the Professional User to try our full platform for 1 month without any obliogation. Or you can use our platform to help you decide in case you want to purchase another platform that is expensive and/or has a long term contract.

Choose from the overview below the subscription that suits your company.

  • Home

    Limited functionality of our platform.
    Delivered from our SaaS portal.

  • Limited License for 1 domain

  • Administration limited to 1 domain
  • 1 user account
  • No containers
  • 2 months history
  • RUA report limited to 1000 records
  • Source report limted to 2 lines
  • Forensic report limited to 2 records
  • SMTP entry limited to 1 record
  • No Blacklist Report
  • No DNS-Tracker
  • No alerts by email
  • No SYSLOG feed
  • Advertising

  • Free

  • Professional

    Unleashed functionality of our platform.
    Delivered from our SaaS portal.

  • License per active or inactive domain entry
  • Adminstation for unlimited domain enties
  • Unlimted users
  • Unlimted Containers
  • 2 years history
  • Full RUA report
  • Full Source report
  • Full forensic report
  • Unlimted SMTP entries
  • Full Blacklist report
  • DNS-Tracker
  • Alerts by email
  • Optional SYSLOG feed
  • Advertising only during trail period
  • Active Domain Entry
    € 10/per month

    Inactive Domain Entry
    € 3/per month

  • On-Premise

    Unleashed functionality of our platform delivered from within your IT environment. You deliver us the environment to deploy our platform.
  • License per active or inactive domain entry. Include € 1.100 license credit.
  • Adminstation for unlimited domain enties
  • Unlimted users
  • Unlimted Containers
  • Unlimted history
  • Full RUA report
  • Full Source report
  • Full forensic report
  • Unlimted SMTP entries
  • Full Blacklist report
  • DNS-Tracker
  • Alerts by email
  • SYSLOG feed
  • No Advertising

  • € 1.100/per month
    Excluded one-off installation fee of € 4.100

  • On-Premise

    Unleashed functionality of our platform delivered from your IT environment. You deliver us the environment to deploy our platform.
  • Unlimited licenses.
    Only for domains you realy own.
  • Adminstation for unlimited domain enties
  • Unlimted users
  • Unlimted Containers
  • Unlimted history
  • Full RUA report
  • Full Source report
  • Full forensic reports
  • Unlimted SMTP entries
  • Full Blacklist report
  • DNS-Tracker
  • Alerts by email
  • SYSLOG feed
  • No Advertising

  • € 1.400/per month
    Excluded one-off installation fee of € 4.100

All prices are exclude of VAT

Our Partners

MailReport works with carefully selected partners.
Our partners often deliver our platform as part of a full service solution to get and to keep control of your email.

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Become a partner of us. Get intouch, fill in the contact form below.


Ask your question with the contact form below.

Abbreviation of Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance. It's a technical specification to prevent phishing on domainlevel. The standard was designed by a group of major technology companies including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Paypal and Bank of America.


Authentication is the process where a user, computer or application will be validated against stored credentials.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of Sender Policy Frame. SPF is intended to prevent unwanted email sending on behalf of your domain name. In a DNS record, you indicate to the recipient which servers (IP addresses) may send emails on your behalf. SPF is one of the authentication mechanisms of DMARC.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of DomainKeys Identified Mail.DKIM provides a basis for authentication. DKIM adds the 'DKIM-Signature' field to the header of an email message. This field contains a digital signature of the content of the email message (based on both headers and body of email). The receiving SMTP server checks the DKIM Signature with the public key that can be retrieved via DNS. If the check succeeds, it means that the email message actually originates from the respective domain and is not modified during transport. DKIM is one of the authentication mechanisms of DMARC.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of Domain Name System. DNS is the system and network protocol used on the Internet to translate names of computers into numeric addresses (IP addresses) and vice versa.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Phishing is the collective name for all digital activities that criminals try to exploit personal information. This information may cause fraud with internet banking, debit cards, credit cards or your identity.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Spam folder

The folder that stores email messages that are marked as spam by the spam filter.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Use or explain list

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is the defacto standard for sending email messages over the Internet. SMTP is a relatively simple text based protocol: First, the sender of the email message is specified, then one or more recipients and then the shipping information and content of the email message.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of Transport Layer Security. TLS is a protocol that provides communication security between client / server or server / server connection. It guarantees the privacy, integrity and security of data sent between servers.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


A fingerprint is a short sequence of bytes that is used to identify the longer public key.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Is a combination words of DNS and Secure. DNSSEC is an extension to DNS. DNSSEC addresses some vulnerabilities in DNS, making the 'signposting' of the Internet more safer and trusted.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities. DANE is extension of DNSSEC. This allows keys and certificates for secure connections to websites or mail servers to be included in the DNS system.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.



Abbreviation of Certificate Authority. Official authority authorized to issue and endorse certificates. At the CA, you can check that the certificate is valid and provided by them.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


The certificate provides for the decryption of the connection and for validating the identity of a website. The certificate includes information about:

  • The certificate holder;
  • Hostname and domain;
  • The name of the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the certificate;
  • The root certificate;
  • The country in which the certificate was issued;
  • The validity period;
  • A certificate always consists of a public key and a private key.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


The process to make encrypted data readable using the private key.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


The process to encrypt data based on a specific algorithm (normally the public key).

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Within the Cryptography encryption is the process to encrypt data (code) and decryption the process to make encrypted data readable (decode). This based on a specific algorithm.

One of the purposes of cryptography is that data can be safely exchanged between two persons / servers over an unsafe communication channel. With an unsafe communication channel third parties can also access the channel, for example the internet. The encryption ensures that these third parties cannot read the data. This is usually done through the use of keys. What exactly the key is differs by algorithm, but usually a key is a very large number of decimal places. The purpose of the cryptographic algorithm is then to ensure that only the persons with the correct key can decipher the encrypted data again.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Public key

The sender uses the public key that the recipient has provided him to encode email messages to the recipient.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Private key

With the private key the recipient can decrypt encrypted email messages encrypted with his public key.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


A standard for encrypting individual email messages this standard is supported by Microsoft.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.


Abbreviation of Pretty Good Privacy. A standard for encrypting individual email messages.

© 2024 MailReport. All rights reserved.

Aanmelden Home User

Meld u aan in 3 stappen

Stap 1: Geef e-mail adres op
Het emailadres wordt uw loginnaam. Het emailadres bestaat uit de postvaknaam (voor het @) en de domeinnaam).

Stap 2: Vul ontvangen verificatie code in
Dit ter controle van uw emailadres.

Stap 3: Maak DMARC record aan
Zodat de DMARC rapporten naar onze dienst worden gestuurd.

Aanmelden Home User

Stap 1 van 3


Aanmelden Home User

Stap 2 van 3

Code: 993329


Bedankt voor uw reactie.

U heeft de onderstaande gegevens naar ons verstuurd:

Email: @
Code: 993329
Van: no-reply@mailreport.be
onderwerp: Verificatiecode